About a half a dozen years ago, when I hit my personal bottom, while seemingly successful multiple business owner with having kids graduating from Ivy League school, I started to learn how to unbecome/unlearn the societal norms and rebuild my life. I was one of most conformist, easy going person. It has been at times difficult but certainly rewarding journey that I couldn’t be more proud of taking. I didn’t want to be in one of the most coveted position in my industry, I didn’t want to sit on prestigious committees. Since then, I resigned from my position, sold one business, resigned from still active business, took early retirement in an active defiance of social norm of expanding my businesses to make an empire. Taking care of my body, my mind, my soul and exploring life are my current activities along with actively unlearning societal norms and trying to carve out a path for myself. I have took up a lot of work - new work - for myself and found a rewarding journey!
About a half a dozen years ago, when I hit my personal bottom, while seemingly successful multiple business owner with having kids graduating from Ivy League school, I started to learn how to unbecome/unlearn the societal norms and rebuild my life. I was one of most conformist, easy going person. It has been at times difficult but certainly rewarding journey that I couldn’t be more proud of taking. I didn’t want to be in one of the most coveted position in my industry, I didn’t want to sit on prestigious committees. Since then, I resigned from my position, sold one business, resigned from still active business, took early retirement in an active defiance of social norm of expanding my businesses to make an empire. Taking care of my body, my mind, my soul and exploring life are my current activities along with actively unlearning societal norms and trying to carve out a path for myself. I have took up a lot of work - new work - for myself and found a rewarding journey!
Great thoughts, Jessica! “But you can’t stop changing. You can’t stay the same. You can’t stop the stream of life from going through you.” - Loved it.
I'm so glad it resonated Dev! What have you recently "un-become", if it's not too personal?