how to ditch the rules of business so you can run one you actually like
I must, I should... I can't
Hello love,
So many times, when a woman contacts me to work together, she feels like she’s reached a point of no return.
She started her business with a dream of freedom for herself, of creativity, healing and beautiful transformations for her clients. She started eager to do things right, and after years of following the contradictory rules of business, marketing, sales, visibility, she feels empty and exhausted. Anxious that she may have done all this in vain, worried that she might not be able to go on because along the way, she’s gained knowledge but she’s lost her spark.
That’s almost inevitable when you let the outside world dictate what goes on in your life. Not that you’re to blame, my dear one.
It’s not your fault. You were simply told that there were all these rules to follow, and so you did. You learned, you applied and now here we are. The musts and the shoulds are so numerous that they’ve crushed down the true sources of your power : your intuition, your desires, your creative core.
My mission as a coach is to reconnect you with that core. With the heart and soul that you wanted to pour into this business project. With the joy of creating, without worrying about what is going to work or not, without being scared of making mistakes, without focusing too much on the results. To reconnect you with the present moment, for this is where you can act. Change. Recalibrate. Transform.
But for that to happen, you first need stop. Take a breath, look over your shoulder and see how much you’ve grown. Take stock of where you’re at and how your experiences have impacted you and changed.
And what more sublime moment than winter to do that.
Every year, I offer a new updated journal for my community to help them celebrate their growth and progress, plan the new year ahead free from external pressure and manifest their desires into reality with a speck of magic.
It’s completely free, a gift from my heart to yours, and I’d love to share it with you. The Celebrate, Plan, Manifest Journal 2025 is available to pre-order right here and will land in your mailbox on December 15th.
A day in the life…
You wake up on Monday morning with a certain pressure in your stomach. You’ve got things to do. You’re determined to crush your goals and get this week going in the right direction.
The coffee is brewing in the background, and before you even take the time to brush your teeth, you start scribbling on a piece of paper a list of urgent tasks :
publish posts on social media,
connect with new people in DMs,
film new (funny!) reels,
write a blog post (maybe?),
send a newsletter (do they even remember me?)
promote services (“work with me” story?)
design a course and finally have a taste of that “passive income” dream
organise pictures, organise notes, take on a new course,…
The knot in your stomach is now getting heavier, and you can feel the pressure coiling inside. That’s ok, you tell yourself, I’ve got this. I’m just going to do one thing at a time.
Step 1 - Publish a post on social media, right?
You press the pink or blue icon on your smartphone, depending on which Meta you’ve picked as your poison.
You first look at the notifications; you check the few (why so few ?!) likes you got over the week-end. This algorithm thing is really not working for you, but that’s also your fault, you think. If only you were more consistent. If only your posts were more valuable, more entertaining, more beautiful….
Without even realising it, you start watching the stories of people you follow and you start thinking that they’re doing so well. They seem to be so sure of what they’re sharing, so confident in their videos. Maybe you should learn to be confident like that. Why is it that you can’t be that confident? Maybe it’s because you’ve gained weight. Or because you just don’t look that good. Or because you’re just not great at making videos and speaking to the crowds. If only you had taken that theatre class when you were younger. Wait, is there a course that can teach you how to be confident on video? (Of course there is).
By then, anxiety has started to build up inside of you. Your heart is beating faster, your thoughts are becoming stuck in a loop of self-depreciation, your brain is freezing. You forget all the ideas that you had for that reel you wanted to post, your inner critic now telling you that they were bad ideas to start with anyways.
Nothing original. Nothing new under the sun.
You start scrolling to relax a little : funny cats singing songs, inspiring quotes, an add or two for something you know you don’t need, then more reels by beautiful glowing people in scenic places who all have made 6 or 7 figures in their businesses in under 2 years and are now enjoying breakfast in their pools in Bali. What’s their secret that you still don’t know about?
It’s raining outside, you notice. The coffee is cold, you still haven’t showered nor brushed your teeth and it’s almost time to get your kids from school for lunch.
Maybe that’s not the day you’ll crush your goals after all.
Step 2 - Press Pause
Of course, not every day is like this.
Some days you do find the strength to bypass all the traps and triggers of social media and you get to publish a post or a story. Sometimes even a post and a story, and those are the days you feel better about yourself. The days you think you might have a chance after all.
The truth is that it takes so much effort out of you that it’s disheartening to know that you’ll get just a few views, a few likes, and that within just 24 hours, you’ll have to do it all over again if you ever want to be noticed.
Even if you become really good at it and you finally gather a crowd of followers, you’re stuck with this endless process, with the endless pressure of becoming better, being likeable, being original, being professional, being smart, being cute, being funny, all of that on a constant basis. Like a robot, yeah?
Remember when you said you’d start your own business so you’d have more freedom? I think it’s time we reclaimed that freedom.
And that starts by de-conditioning ourselves from the musts and the shoulds of the marketing world.
Like for instance:
I should be on social media to be gain visibility, so I can then sell my services & products.
I should connect with people on a daily basis.
I should have a website right away to be considered professional.
I should be on camera and make entertaining videos so people can like me.
I should have an editorial calendar of content, that I stick to diligently.
I should have at least 1000 subscribers, and I should gather them fast.
I should be an expert before I share my opinion.
I should be good at filming, writing, podcasting from the first try, otherwise it means it’s not for me.
I should make enough money to sustain myself entirely from the first year of business.
I should create programs, services, products that are unique, all-encompassing, yet super niche and affordable.
I should always give my clients a live, face-to-face component.
I should do it all by myself until I can afford to hire help.
The list is endless, really.
And the more webinars, trainings and courses you’ll take, the more contradictory advice you’ll get.
Because just like there is no true definite answer to how life should be lived, there is also no true definite answer to how businesses should be led.
We just get a bunch of advice based on what people have had experience with, what studies have shown, what the latest tendencies are.
Step 3 : Reclaim your freedom
It doesn’t mean that advice and experiences aren’t valuable, but simply that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.
How do you know what will work for you?
By creating space and silence. By dimming the voices of all of those around you who are shouting that they know better, so that you can finally hear the whisper of your inner power. This sacred vibration inside of you where lies your freedom, your joy, and your intuition.
When you give value to how it feels inside to go one direction or another in your business rather than what are others doing or what is truly working in 2025 according to MrWhite7Figures, you’re sending yourself and the world the message that your voice matters, that you also have creative ideas worth pursuing and you are also capable of gaining valuable insights.
Not everything you’ll try will work, you will fail at many things, and that’s completely ok and part of the process. Because you too are allowed to experiment, learn your own lessons and draw your own conclusions. In fact, the more you give yourself permission to do that, the more confident you’ll grow as an entrepreneur, the more better results you’ll have.
Step 4: Ditch everything that isn’t aligned
Once you start getting a taste of what it feels like to follow your heart and intuition in your business, it’s time to de-condition yourself and let go of all the things you’ve been doing because you thought you didn’t have a choice.
Do you want to spend time or social media or would you rather write, record a podcast, or make videos and enjoy the silence in between?
Do you want to send long newsletters or is your voice better shared in short ones?
Do you want to use ticking timers in your sales e-mails or does pressure feel icky for you and you’d rather use gentle reminders?
Do you want to speak at convention, or would you rather write a book?
Do you want to interact every day with people through comments, or heart-felt e-mail replies to the newsletters you’ve loved seems more natural to you?
Do you want to finish the year strong or would you rather slow down and withdraw in your nest like nature is calling you to?
Do you want to set 7-figures goal or the simple fact of living off your heart-led activity and serving people with care is already a definition of your success?
Do you need to wake up at 5am, or is it just that it’s another impossible goal that keeps you stuck (and somewhat safe) in the idea that you’re not cut out to be a successful business owner?
There is no right or wrong answer. The only wrong answers are the ones that aren’t authentic for you.
On this journey of reclaiming your freedom to do things your own way, you’ll come to realise that some of the decisions you’ve made in the past are no longer serving you. That some of the desires you had were actually conditionings powered by ego and fear rather than powered with joy.
And that’s ok.
You’re allowed to change and to make other decisions. It doesn’t make you unstable or incoherent, it simply makes you human.
Celebrate Plan Manifest Journal 2025
This winter, step away from the holiday craze and create that space within yourself. The Celebrate Plan Manifest Journal 2025 has been designed to guide you through these important reflections about your journey so far, about your true joy and creativity so you can create a simple, aligned and exciting plan for what’s next. Coming up on December 15th, 2024.
Sparkle Up your Biz in 30 Days
If you’re ready to go deeper and to put some sparkles in your business this year, my short email course will take you by the hand through a 30-day process of simplifying, realigning and adding big amounts of love and joy in your business. Clear what no longer serves you and build from a place of freedom.
Includes short guidances & prompts for a stress-free yet powerful experience.
Holistic Coaching 1:1
The way out is in. Your biggest blockages to taking action will never be "not knowing what to do", but rather finding space inside of you to face your fears and stories of not-enoughness. I'm here to guide you inwards so you can shine and transform outwards. This coaching blends strategy, mindset, mindfulness, spirituality as we take all aspect of you into consideration when setting goals and intentions, so that the power is back into your own hands. Enjoy a 10% discount when signing up before 2025.
You don’t have to do it all
Whatever you do, my wish for you is to remember why you started this business.
It’s time you let go of all the outside noise and return to what matters the most to you. When you let go of the musts and the shoulds, all of a sudden you remember that you actually can.
You can choose for yourself
You can try and experiment with curiosity
You can fail several times before you get it right
You can learn from your mistakes
You can change your mind
You can create with freedom
You can dream your own dream
You can live and work at your own pace.
So, how are you going to reclaim your freedom? Tell me in the comments.
With power and light,